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Reception Class - September 2025

We are delighted that your child has been offered a place at our school from September 2025. For those joining us for the first time, we are thrilled to welcome you to our Saltergate community and for those in Discovery Learning, we are very happy that you will be carrying on with your Saltergate journey! 

Our EYFS team is well-established, highly qualified and truly dedicated - we work together as class teachers and support staff and everyone takes a shared responsibility for the care and education of all pupils. Our aim is to nurture children and to enable them to meet their full potential through a rich and creative curriculum. 

Admission Forms 

We will send further communications using the contact details which you used to complete the application through North Yorkshire. If your contact details change in the meantime, please do let the school office know and we will update our records. 

  • If you think your child will be eligible for Free School Meals/Pupil Premium Funding, please click here to visit the application form. 

Parent and Carer Welcome Meeting 

We would like to invite you to a meeting at 6pm on Tuesday 3rd June where you can meet the EYFS Team and find out more information about the September start and our curriculum. This meeting is for parents and carers only and is not suitable for children. Please come to the main school entrance where we will welcome you.

Settling in Sessions

We will be inviting all of our new starters into school for some transition sessions. More information will be sent to you in the coming weeks.