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December 2023

  • Useful links for over school holidays

    Published 22/12/23
    Here are some useful links for over school holidays: NSPCC We're the UK's leading children’s charity. We’ve been looking out for children for over 130 years – and we couldn’t do it without you. NSPCC | The UK
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  • Saltergate Kids Club gets Good Ofsted rating

    Published 11/12/23

    In November, Ofsted visited the Kids Club here at Saltergate, our wraparound care for Reception to Year 6.

    Ofsted have praised the setting highly and awarded a 'Good' rating once again.

    'Staff are very attentive and have quality interactions with the children. There is a busy and happy atmosphere as children play games together. Children enjoy being creative. For instance, they carefully create flags, draw or print using various fruits and vegetables. Children's artwork is celebrated and displayed within the room, creating a sense of achievement and belonging.'

    Ofsted November 2023

    Ofsted were particularly delighted with the relationship Kids Club have with parents as well as the children.

    Parents comment that staff are very approachable, friendly and that they feel fully informed about their children's time at the club. They say their children are always happy, want to attend and settle quickly. Parents say they are grateful for the service provided and feel reassured their children are in safe hands.

    The provider and staff regularly evaluate the care they provide. They seek regular feedback from parents and children. Staff use this information to make well-considered changes to the resources and activities they provide. This ensures that the club continues to meet the changing needs and interests of all children.

    Ofsted November 2023

    Sally Wray, Manager of Kids Club, is delighted with the result.

    We are ecstatic to have been awarded a Good grade once again. I am so proud of all of our team and our children - we have a brilliant wraparound care setting for our families, and we will continue to work together to ensure the highest of standards are maintained.

    Mrs Sally Wray, Manager and DSL


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  • FOSS Christmas Fair at Saltergate

    Published 04/12/23

    Our Christmas Fair on Saturday was fantastic! 

    We were so pleased to see so many of our wonderful community there to support us. 

    The stalls were imaginative and always busy, food was flowing and Christmas tunes coming from every area of the fair! It certainly put us all in the festive mood.

    Thank you to our amazing FOSS - Friends of Saltergate School Team. You have outdone yourselves yet again!

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December 2023