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School Trips

For trips that cost the school money, we always ask for donations towards these.  Donations can be paid on ParentPay. Without these donations, it wouldn’t be possible to take children out of school. 

Please see some examples of school trips below:

Harrogate Library

All students in the Junior School visit the library during the school year. We have a fantastic relationship with the library and are keen to ensure every child has the opportunity to visit and borrow books.

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Stump Cross Caverns - Year 3 

The Year 3 children visit the Stumps Cross Caverns. The caves are located in Nidderdale and on the border of The Yorkshire Dales National Park. This trip covers several areas of the national curriculum including Science, Geography and History.

The Jorvik Centre Trip - Year 5

The children from Year 5 visit the Jorvik Centre and the DIG in York, this trip enables the children to enhance their learning of the Viking topics they cover in class. At the Jorvik Centre the children look at the Viking life, battle tactics, raids and artefacts. All the children had great fun and learnt some new interesting facts.Image

Young Voices

Miss Wells leads this trip annually.  Children are invited to join the after school club in the Autumn Term where they practise their songs in readiness for the concert in February.  This has proved extremely popular each year and parents are also invited to attend the concert in Sheffield.

Bewerley Park Residential Trip - Year 6

The children from Year 6 will experience a residential adventure at Bewerley Park in the Nidderdale AONB at the end of the Autumn 1 term.  They will take part in some new activities that are both exciting, fun and challenging. These will include both wet and dry outdoor pursuit activities such as; Canoeing, Kayaking, Climbing, Orienteering and High and Low Rope activities.

Partaking in these activities allows the children to push and challenge themselves to achieve new goals as well as overcoming several fears, it also enables the children to learn how to work as a team to complete tasks successfully and will help them to improve their relationships for their final year at Saltergate.